Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Cub Bagging Volunteer Schedule - Please Review

Please review the schedule and let Craig Crandall know if there are any errors.

Reminder - no sandals, wear a Champlin Park Nordic T-shirt if you have one, otherwise Champlin Park Rebels will do.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Cub Bagging - High School and Adult Volunteers Needed

Please review the Cub Bagging Volunteer Schedule to verify your shift.  Contact Craig Crandall if you can't make your shift or if there is an error on the schedule.

We still need high school and adult volunteers!  Please volunteer for more than one shift!  View the schedule for when and contact Craig to volunteer.

Cub Bagging is on Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at the Champlin Cub.  There are four, two hour shifts starting at 10am.  You must wear close toed shoes (no sandals).  If you didn't receive a team t-shirt (should be delivered before Wednesday the 22nd), wear anything that highlights Champlin Park Nordic or Champlin Park.

Middle school students cannot participate in Cub Bagging, sorry, Cub Corporate policy.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

T-Shirt and Hooded Sweatshirt Orders are Due Tomorrow, Wednesday 11/15

Email Craig Crandall to order. Craig will collect your payment later.

If you have ordered a t-shirt or hooded sweatshirt, please review Craig's order summary now and let him know of any issues before the due date, 11/15.

Reminder, the Booster Club needs the email address of Parents/Guardians of students participating in the Nordic program.  Why?

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

T-Shirt and Hooded Sweatshirt Orders Due Wednesday, November 15th - Review Your Order Now

If you haven't ordered, please email your order to Craig Crandall by the due date, 11/15.

If you have ordered a t-shirt or hooded sweatshirt, please review Craig's order summary now and let him know of any issues by the due date, 11/15.  Here is the link to Craig's T-Shirt and Hoodie Orders summary.

A reminder to PARENTS/GUARDIANS who have not submitted the Booster Club Registration Worksheet.  Please process the worksheet as soon as you know your student will participate in the Nordic program.  We need your email address and student's name so we can support you, your student and the coaching staff.  Deadlines are approaching fast, and we need to start tasks immediately.  The Booster Club is operated by volunteers, and we would appreciate prompt cooperation and attention to the details, so we can be efficient and add value to the program.  Please call a Booster Club Officer if you have ANY questions. Our contact information is HERE and also permanently linked on the blogsite.

If you missed the 11/6 informational meeting or need a refresher, here is the presentation and handout.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Informational Meeting for Skiers and Parents - Monday, November 6th

The informational meeting for the 2017-2018 Nordic season will be:

Monday, November 6, 2017
Room D151 at CPHS

Everyone interested in participating in the Champlin Park Nordic ski program is encouraged to attend. The program is for 6th-12th graders.

Booster Club Registration Form for the 2017-2018 Nordic Season is HERE.  Please print clearly and bring it to the meeting. Also bring your check book so you can purchase apparel, rentals, and ski passes. We will also accept pre-orders for the team t-shirt and a new item...a team hooded sweatshirt.

If you can't make the meeting, the PowerPoint presentation and meeting materials will be linked on the blogsite shortly after the meeting. Please complete the Booster Club Registration Form (PRINT CLEARLY) and mail it by following the instructions. It is very important that we get your contact information because the Booster Club administratively supports your student throughout the Nordic season (i.e. payments for ski rental, apparel, Maplelag ski trip, banquet, and volunteering for fundraisers).

Handout for the meeting is HERE.