Friday, February 17, 2017

Banquet RSVP Due Now - RSVP List

RSVPs, along with any special dietary needs, are due by Sunday, February 19th, so that the caterer can order food supplies.  Please confirm your dinner reservation by reviewing the RSVP list HERE.

If we do not have your dinner reservation, please RSVP now by emailing or calling Craig Crandall.  Craig's contact information is on the RSVP list HERE.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Section Meet 2/8 and Booster Club Meeting 2/9

Varsity Section Meet Parking at Valley of Peace Lutheran Church.  See this link HERE for information for parking at Wirth on Wednesday, 2/8/2017, for the Varsity Section Race.  The main chalet parking lot will be closed.  ***Plan ahead***

Food for the Varsity Section Meet.  Please contact Colleen Sparke ( with food items that you are able to donate for the Section meet (crock pot of soup; crock pot of potatoes; meat sandwiches (pre-made in baggies); bagels and creams cheese (cut in half and in baggies); muffins; cheese sticks; fruit; fruit snacks; granola bars; vegetable; dessert).
Nordic Booster Meeting on 2/9/2017.  A reminder that the Nordic Booster meeting is this Thursday, 2/9/2017, from 6:30 – 7:30 pm in D151 at CPHS!   Please note that we will be taking nominations for Board positions at the Booster meeting, particularly for expected vacancies in the secretary and treasurer positions.  Of note, the timing of the treasurer opening is to allow the current treasurer to provide assistance to the new treasurer over the next two years.  Please contact Suzy Scheller at 763.647.0042 or with interest.